Producing and selling fresh food definitely has its ups and downs. As growers, we are often more involved with our growing operations, than the business side of things like marketing and selling our products. Learning how to more effectively move our goods from the field to the consumer is critical to our success. Join us as we team up with Susie Marshall of Grow North Texas to discuss ways to run your behind the scenes operations in a more efficient and effective manner to increase yield and profit.
Amanda Vanhoozier of Just Picked TX will be joining us and guiding us through the various ways of selling, markets and market research. Marie Tedei of Eden's Garden CSA Farm is a one woman small scale farming operation and will discuss trials, tribulations, successes and failures of running a CSA. Lastly, F.A.R.M. will talk about breaking new ground, and using various implements to work smarter along with our farming techniques to maximize profitability. This workshop is for newbies and seasoned growers alike. You wont want to miss this workshop! Please register by clicking on the link below. What to bring - Gloves Hat Water jug * Lunch will be provided Hope to see you there! The F.A.R.M. Team
Whiskey Cake Las Colinas, held their ribbon-cutting and grand opening ceremony July 25th with a great celebration and this generous contribution to F.A.R.M.
Whiskey Cake sources in-season fresh food from local growers, and prepares delicious farm-to-table dishes in their "from-scratch-only" kitchen. We want to give a great BIG shout out to Whiskey Cake with a two-thumbs-up for the great food and drinks they serve, their unparalled customer service, and the love they showed to Farmers Assisting Returning Military with this check for $8,730.75 Thanks Whiskey Cake!
One of the first workshops in our F.A.R.M. Hack series was about Biochar - what it is, what it does, and how to make it. Stephen Smith, co-founder of F.A.R.M., used "hands-on" participation with a group of veterans to build and demonstrate a J-shaped rocket-stove Biochar cooker, or kiln, using metal drums, and fire brick.
Misson Accomplished! Here's a link to the ATTRA - NCAT website with some important information about Biochar - |